Confession Schedule

The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, commonly referred to as Confession, is available on Wednesday from 5:30-6:15PM; it is available at other times by appointment. To schedule an appointment for Confession, kindly call our pastor at 440.987.9873

Our pastor, Fr. Trask, is also regularly available for confession at Sacred Heart Catholic Church (410 W. Lorain St. – Oberlin) on Friday mornings during Eucharistic Adoration (7:00am→8:30am)*.

During Advent 2024 there will be an afternoon of confessions on Sunday,  8 December 2024
• Noon to 2pm at Sacred Heart, and
• 3pm to 5pm at St. Patrick (Wellington)

The Lent 2025 DIOCESAN WIDE EVENING OF CONFESSION will be segmented between St. Patrick Parish, and Fr. Trask’s other parish of Sacred Heart in Oberlin, OH.

• Weds, March 19, 2025 from 5→8pm at St. Patrick, AND
• Sun, March 23, 2025 from Noon→2pm at Sacred Heart (Oberlin).

Please visit whichever confession service best fits your schedule!

PLEASE NOTE: When there is no evening Mass on Wednesday at St. Pat’s, the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation will also not be available that evening.  (CLICK HERE, and scroll to the bottom of the page, to see what days there will be no evening confessions or Mass)  Similarly – at Sacred Heart, Eucharistic Adoration & Confessions are canceled when there’s no 8:45am Mass following.