For the benefit of our youth, and so that those who are in their freshman year of high school can pursue the Sacrament of Confirmation, St. Patrick Parish is working collaboratively with Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Oberlin). Each parish sponsors its own program of preparation for the sacrament. Whereas the number of candidates for confirmation each year is relatively small – by combining our youth into a single Confirmation Class for the conferral of the sacrament, our numbers are sufficient to allow for an annual conferral of the sacrament. On 27 April 2025, the Sacrament will be conferred on your youth at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist – located on the corner of northeast corner of East 9th Street and Superior Avenue in Cleveland.
Prior to the collaboration between parishes, the bishop only came to confer the sacrament on a bi-annual basis.
Youth wishing to enroll in the Confirmation Formation Program (CFP) at St. Patrick Parish in their freshman year of high school must have participated in PSR the year prior to enrollment. For information about the CFP, or to enroll, please contact Wendy Shivak ()
Adults who missed being confirmed when they were younger are given the opportunity to receive the sacrament when the bishop is here. If you are in this situation, please contact Fr. Trask .