Liturgical Ministers

Are you scheduled as Server, Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion?  The ministry schedule is generally included in the parish bulletin on the last weekend of the month.  (To peruse prior bulletins, click here.)


  • If you notified the office that you weren’t available and yet were errantly scheduled, please let the office know; it’s our responsibility to locate a replacement because the scheduling snafu was our fault.
  • If your scheduled changed, or your failed to notify the office of your inability to serve on a particular day or at a specific time, then locating a replacement is your obligation.  When you’ve located your replacement, please inform the office of who will be fulfilling your commitment.

If you don’t have a current list of liturgical ministers, please send an email to (caps not required – it just makes for easier name recognition) and a current list will be returned to you as an attachment.