PSR provides for the religious instruction of the youth of our parish. Grades 1-6 meet on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00–5:10pm , and; classes for grades 7, 8, and Confirmation meet on Sunday from 9:15-10:15. Grades 1-6 use the “We Believe” book series that is published by William Sadlier, Inc. → the Catholic Identity edition; those in grades 7, 8, and the Confirmation Formation Program use the “Decision Point” series that is published by Matthew Kelly.
Registration for the 2024-2025 PSR year is underway. If your child was enrolled in the St. Patrick PSR program for the 2023-2024 academic year, you received a PRE-PRINTED registration form VIA EMAIL that should be reviewed, updated, and returned with the PSR fee. Anyone who is registering mid-year for the 2024-2025 academic year (or anyone wishing to register an additional child) should download & complete a registration form by the graphic to the right. ► ► ►
Students in the second grade receive preparation for the Sacraments of both Reconciliation as well as Eucharist*. High school students who feel themselves ready to embrace the Sacrament of Confirmation participate in the Confirmation Formation Program during their 9th grade year*. Additionally, those entering into 9th grade must meet with Fr. Trask over the summer – and prior to submitting their registration form for 9th grade PSR.
* In order for a student to be eligible to participate in sacramental preparation, they must have participated in the PSR program during the year PRIOR to the academic year during which they desire to receive the sacrament. (eg. 1st grade PSR is a pre-requisite for entering the First Penance/Eucharist program in 2nd grade; 8th grade PSR is a foundational year and required of those wishing to enter into the Confirmation Formation program.)
If you have a child to be enrolled, or you desire to be PSR Teacher, please contact the appropriate PSR coordinator listed below:
♦ Anne Linden (for grades 1-6) at 440.647.4375 x6 or , or;
♦ Wendy Shivak (grades 7, 8, and Confirmation) at 440-647-4375 x7 or .
When updates are made to the 2024-2025 PSR program, the draft schedule in the registration packet will be updated.