Parish Mailing Lists

St. Patrick Parish uses several mailing lists to help parishioners stay in touch with happenings in the church. You may subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) any list by using the forms below.

PLEASE NOTE: After clicking “send” you will receive an email with a link that YOU MUST CLICK to ACTIVATE your subscription; you must do this for each list to which you subscribe. If you don’t see the confirmation email in your INBOX, be sure to CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER. (FYI: The confirmation link will include the domain:

The CONTACT LIST is being used  to keep all parishioners apprised of the happenings within the parish. Additionally, the weekly bulletin is distributed as a PDF attachment to the email. Under typical circumstances, you’ll receive no more than one-email-per-week from this mailing list.
Yes, I want to receive email updates (emails will come from )

Please remove me from the St. Patrick Parish Contact List.

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The PARISH PRAYER CHAIN mailing list is hosted by Sacred Heart Catholic Church so that all might be united in prayer.  List participants may submit their prayer requests to – and it will automatically be distributed to all list subscribers.  You will likely receive several emails per week from this list.
Yes, I want to JOIN the Sacred Heart Prayer Requests mailing list (emailed prayer requests will come from )

Please REMOVE ME from the Sacred Heart Prayer Requests mailing list

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