Welcome to the St. Patrick Parish website!

Phone Numbers
Parish Office: 440.647.4375 x0
Mass & Confession Times: 440.647.4375 x1
Fr. David Trask: 440.987.9873
Deacon Dino Paoletta: 440.987.9144
Office Hours
Monday→Thursday: 9AM—2:30PM
Friday: 9AM—Noon
Saturday, Sunday: The office is closed

Online Prayer Blog
Let us remain closely united
in prayer with (and for)
one another!
Live stream starts Sat at 6PM

Recent streams available at:
Click here for registration form
«Program will be offered at Sacred Heart Parish in Oberlin»

512 N. Main St Wellington, 44090
Consider donating online –
or setting up ongoing giving via
your bank’s web-bill-pay option.

Join one of our parish mailing lists
(Weekly bulletin list, etc.)
This is a list of area resources for those seeking assistance with: abuse, addiction, bullying, counseling, mental health, etc.
(Opens in new tab)
Parish Calendar is ‘shorthand‘ for
St Patrick Catholic Church
If at any time you receive an email or text from ‘Fr. Trask’ or the ‘parish’ with the subject HELP or anything suspicious, please do not open it or respond. Neither St. Patrick Parish or Fr. Trask will ever ask you for money (eg: gift cards, cash, etc) via personal emails/texts. Correspondence like this is a scam. Always feel free to call the office if ever in doubt xx