
What’s happening at St. Patrick Parish? Participate in the most recently available live stream, or peruse recent church bulletins for stories, news, and event information.

Live stream of this weekend’s Mass at St. Patrick
Begins about 6pm on Saturday

FYI: We began to live-stream Masses in response to the 2020 pandemic, which has subsided.  As we now worship in person and our license to stream music will expire on 4/19/’25, we will stop the live-stream option as of that date.

The Diocese of Cleveland will continue to live-stream their Masses; you can visit their website by clicking here (it’ll open in a new window).



Bulletins from Sacred Heart Catholic Church (where Fr. Trask also serves as pastor), may be viewed by clicking the Sacred Heart logo →

For collegians from St. Patrick Parish

Initial Scholarship Application
For those graduating high school in 2025.
(Application process opens 1/1/2025;
applications due back by 3/15/2025)
Scholarship Renewal Application
For collegians who’ve already received a grant,
and would like continued assistance.
(Application process opens 1/1/2025;
applications due back by 3/15/2025)
PSR Registration
2024-2025 Academic Year
PSR Registration: grades 1-9
nyone who is registering mid-year for the 2024-2025 academic year (or anyone wishing to register an additional child) should complete a registration form by clicking the graphic to the right. ► ► ►

Also, don’t forget to follow us on facebook – especially since that page is updated frequently.