All but one of our groups is back from the final mass. It was extremely hot and tough going but well worth it! Our last group walked most of the way and the tram they needed to finish the journey was suspended. They are safe and stopped off to eat as a huge thunderstorm has blown in. The Pope’s message to young people at the vigil and again today was great! Check it out on EWTN or U tube! He talks about coach potatoes in the evening address:-) The huge announcement after mass was that the next WYD will be in Panama 2019!

As WYD 2016 is closed, our final touring will be to Auschwitz and to the Salt Mines. We will begin the journey home at 1:00 am Tuesday.

We have many more photos to post and will do more stateside. We will also host a sharing evening at the parish, likely in early September.

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