Let us remain united closely in prayer with, and for, each other.
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512 N Main Street • Wellington, OH • 44090-1041
Let us remain united closely in prayer with, and for, each other.
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Today we left Budapest and traveled to Wadowice, the hometown of Saint John Paul II. We toured his childhood home, the museum and saw the church and school from his youth. We then headed to Krakow and checked into our accomodations for WYD. The city is already packed with pilgrims!!
Today was a very busy day! This morning our group traveled to Svaty Hora (Holy Mountain). Father Paul celebrated Mass for us.
We are starting to see more pilgrims from other countries in our travels. Today at Our Lady of Victory we found a board with sticky notes on a world map of all the travelers stopping to see the Infant Jesus of Prague statue on their way to World Youth Day. Nathaniel Smith got St Patrick Wellington Ohio on the board!
We toured the Prague Caste. It is huge and is the largest (all connected) Castle in the world! The church with the castle, St Vitus Cathedral is entirely inside the castle area! The building on the Cathedral started in the late 800’s and didn’t finish until 1929! We visited the Infant Jesus of Prague statue in Our Lady of Victory. It is dated back to 1555. We then walked across the Charles Bridge which dates back to 1357! It is lined with 30 statues from the Baroque style. The statues depict Saints. A very busy but amazing day. The entire group, teens and adults alike were in awe of the sites visited.
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The Saint Patrick pilgrims are getting ready to head to World Youth Day 2016!
Sunday July 17 at the 8:30 a.m. mass, Father Trask will bless the pilgrims.
The pilgrims will be leaving from Detroit on Thursday July 21 and returning Tuesday August 2.
A little about our travels: The group will be traveling prior to WYD. The pilgrims will visit Prague, Budapest, Czestochowa and Krakow. Many religious sites will be visited in the pre tour including Svata Hora (Holy Mountain, a Basilica Minor designated by Pope Pius X) St Nicholas Church, Our Lady Victorious Church- Infant Jesus of Prague, and Jasna Gora, -The Black Madonna. In Poland the group will visit Saint John Paul II home town, Wadowice, the Divine Mercy Sanctuary, home of Saint Faustina, the Wieliczka Salt Mines and Auschwitz.
The events of World Youth Day include an opening mass, daily Catechesis, Live Stations of the Cross, an overnight Vigil and Closing Mass with Pope Francis. An expected 2.5 million pilgrims are anticipated. We are very excited about our travels and growth in our Catholic Faith and know you will PRAY FOR US, as we make this pilgrimage. We hope you will follow our travels here and on the St Patrick Church Facebook page.
A little about our group: The group is traveling with pilgrims from St Peter in Huron and St Paul in Norwalk. In total, there are 66 pilgrims.